Size: 90cm x 60cm
Surface: Stretched Canvas
Medium: Mixed Media Supplies:
ARA * Hooker’s Green Lake Deep * Brilliant Yellow Green * Sap Green Lake Extra * Payne’s Grey
Golden * Titan Buff * Quin. Nickel Azo Gold * Teal * Indian Yellow Lake Extra * Sepia
Liquitex Spray Paint * Parchment * Chromium Oxide Green * Green Deep Permanent
Liquitex Paint Markers * Bright Aqua Green * Cad. Orange Hue * Emerald Green
Neocolor II * Yellow * Saffron
Assorted Ranger Alcohol Inks
Black Ink
Liquitex Prof Acrylic Ink Cad Yellow Light Hue
FC Pitt Artist Pen Raw Umber
• Catalyst Wedge
• Brush made by Elizabeth Schowachert
If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, I will refund your purchase price after I receive the artwork back in as new condition.